Computational Biology Trainings

by András Aszódi

Probability Theory with R

The main aim of this course is to teach you the basics of probability theory which is indispensable for any scientific investigation. We will focus on the intuition behind probability theory rather than a mathematically rigorous presentation. Yes, there will be equations, but they will be kept to a minimum.


  • Foundations of probability theory: basic identities (sum rule, product rule). Indepentent variates, conditional probability.
  • Discrete probability distributions: Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial.
  • Continuouos probability distributions: Uniform, Exponential, Gamma etc.
  • Central Limit Theorem and the Normal distribution.


Basic familiarity with R is required. In particular the following skills are necessary:

  • Using the R interpreter, either the command-line program or in R Studio
  • How to invoke R functions, pass optional/named parameters
  • Some familiarity with simple plotting commands

If you have attended our R as a programming language training then you are well equipped to take this course.

Practical information

Number of participants: minimum 5, maximum 10.

Length: The course takes one half-day, from 09:00 to 13:00 with 2 breaks.